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Do You Have the Guts to Live the Life of Your Dreams?

Paul Arenson (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6310-5 ©2011
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 136 pages
Category/Subject: SELF-HELP / General

He led a life of frustration and disappointment. Only by discovering the causes and permanently destroying them did happiness and joy come into his life.

Do You Have the Guts to Live the Life of Your Dreams? It is a challenge to the reader to step out of the ordinary and mundane and live a life of fun and achievement and happiness. It examines how the opinions that we store in our subconscious by the time that we are age eight literally dictate and in many cases destroy our lives. Only by unearthing these self opinions and removing them when necessary are we truly beginning to live. Once we have been successful in doing that then by following the five principles of high achievers we truly become Dreamlivers.

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Customer Reviews

  Just read it... then, just do it! , 02/03/2011
Reviewer: MTL
I struggle to explain what reading this book has done for me. What I can tell you is that I am now on a path I am certain will be filled with the success I have been searching for. I thank Paul Arenson for putting down on paper the confirmations and affirmations that I needed to clear my vision and pursue my dreams in a positive way. I felt as though Paul and I were having a conversation, not that I was reading a book. The read was quick however the power of the message will stay with me for a lifetime.

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