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Adventure Wilderness Survival Skills-Novice

Donald F. Grantham (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1343-4 ©2003
Price: $16.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 306 pages
Category/Subject: SPORTS & RECREATION / Outdoor Skills

You may be stranded in the wilderness with only what you have in your pocket; this book will tell you how to survive any season.

Anyone can be lost in the wilds of North America as a result of accident, natural disaster or other mishap, even the skilled outdoors person. Could you survive such a situation with no knowledge of the wilds and only what you may have in your pocket at the time? This book will tell you how. You will tell you many ways how to protect yourself from the weather, to travel long distances over any terrain safely on foot, to find direction, water, and food, to build a shelter, to treat for injury, and how to have the confidence you can survive. There are many other items to not only help you survive being lost but to do so in some comfort. There are many easy to do techniques, not found in many similar, books all slanted at saving your life. This is the how to book to take with you any time you venture into the woods because if you get lost, confused, afraid this book will tell you how to cope. This is not a table top or book shelf book, it is a book to put in your pocket and take with you. It may well save a life.

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