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Alan Rodenstein
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Alan   Rodenstein
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

Alan Rodenstein has been an avid tournament chessplayer since 1974, and became enthusiastic about chess as a result of the Fischer – Spassky Match in 1972. While never a particularly strong player, Alan’s passion for the game has not waned even as he has seen the dramatic changes of the last four decades.
Originally from Boston, Alan is a nonprofit Management Consultant in Houston. He is married with one grown son.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Contemporary Chess in America: How Chess Has Gotten Younger, Faster and Digitally Driven
Contemporary Chess in America describes the tremendous changes in American chess during the last 40 years as it has become younger, faster, more diverse and digitally driven. read more
by Alan Rodenstein ~ 9781495807466 ©2015
Price: $14.95

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