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The Feral State

This insightful, revealing, provocative book exposes the true state of America, examining the Federal Reserve and the CFR, the rise of American Imperialism, and the betrayal of its citizenry.

Live, Love, Laugh and Laundry?

Live, Love, Laugh and Laundry? reminds moms to take life a little less seriously. Daily scriptures for encouragement precede real life examples that will bring a smile or a chuckle.

Evil's Match: The People's Champions

The ruthless leader of the Avilla Drug Cartel is determined to send a clear message to anyone daring enough to mess with his money or drug shipments that a certain painful death will come as an unpleasant reward for their meddling in his affairs.

Holy Murder: The Death of Hypatia of Alexandria

Did Hypatia have the power to bring down the Christian Church? A corrupt Fifth Century Bishop thought so and ordered her savage bone chilling death. Later, he was made a saint.

Journey: A Memoir

The United States of America has always provided a home for the immigrant. This was especially true in the difficult years following World War II. Many people were displaced as were my parents and I. This is our story.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams