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Time to Heal: A Novel

Linda Pynaker (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1408-2 ©2003
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 229 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

Accompany Debra in her personal and spiritual awakening. As she overcomes obstacles, you’ll rejoice in her accomplishments. If you’re not already challenged and content in your current lifestyle, you’ll soon feel encouraged to join Debra in her pursuit of happiness!

Debra's story is engaging as she discovers a different life, another perspective, and a new self. She develops delightful and memorable friendships and re-discovers her spirituality through Healing Touch energy work.

An insightful counselor helps her to "shop for a life" following her divorce and assists her in mending fences in her antagonistic relationships with her mother and estranged husband. Finally, she meets David. Their relationship is marked by realism and shared adventure pursuits; the romance is scintillating and fun.

Accompany Debra in her personal and spiritual awakening. You will rejoice in her accomplishments and feel encouraged through her pursuit of happiness.

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