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The Madd Mountain Murders

Lana Waite (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1938-6 ©2004
Price: $15.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 246 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Mystery & Detective / Women Sleuths

There’s murder afoot and Maren O’Connor is suspected. If only she’d stop finding bodies…

“A gnome of a man stood on the threshold—about five-seven, lank grey hair to his shoulders, snarled grisly beard, fringed buckskin jacket, faded jeans over bowed legs, and ancient hiking boots. He bit on an upside-down pipe with bared teeth. His dark eyes blazed. He was dripping on the floor—water and blood. ‘Where’s Charlie?’ he snarled.”

Well, Charlie was dead, and Maren O’Connor was a suspect. It was poor reward for helping her uncle at Tall Trees Lodge. It took poking around the bell tower, a mountain mansion, a funky earth-sheltered house, and a cave to solve the puzzle.

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Customer Reviews

  Family Secrets Unearthed , 03/23/2004
Reviewer: Betsy Wachter
When her elderly Uncle Jake pleads for her help in running his tourist lodge in the Tahoe area, Maren O’Connor reluctantly agrees. Little does Maren know, when she encounters a body in her cabin, that this is only the first of several murders, whose solutions uncover painful family secrets. The discovery of a rough diamond in a hidden compartment of a desk leads Maren to realize that in this instance money is truly the root of all evil. She and her sidekicks must follow the trail of the killer and his hostage into a cave deep in a mountainside, where only Maren’s quick thinking saves them from being victims as well. A well-described setting and interesting characters will keep the reader on the edge of his seat until the unexpected conclusion. Betsy Wachter Librarian

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  A Wonderful Read , 05/05/2004
Reviewer: Shelley Glodowski, Midwest Book Review
Lana Waite has done it again. She uses her considerable experience to develop an Agatha-like plot with all sorts of interesting and well drawn characters. Maren is an average and ordinary heroine who is reluctantly pulled out of her habitual love of isolation to help family and friends find a vengeful and terrifying killer. THE MADD MOUNTAIN MURDERS is a quick and engrossing read set in mountains that are mystifying and surprising. Waite throws a wonderful hook into the story to pull it all together, and the denouement is one for the silver screen. Waite has also written an entirely new and different mystery from her first, but the theme of hidden treasure lurks in both tales. A wonderful read!

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