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The Soul of a Poet

Roselyn Pierre (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2144-5 ©2004
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 56 pages
Category/Subject: POETRY / Inspirational & Religious

This collection of poems is power packed with great inspirational thoughts. In this book you will find poems that are powerful, thought provoking and spirit-filled with consolation.

This is a great collection of exhilarating and heart-felt poems that are expressed in simplistic nature. The book’s four sections offer a soul stirring journey that enrobes the reader in verses of triumph, transformation and tranquility. The first collection of poems entitled Love was written for those who have experienced the elements of love. The second collection is Social Consciousness and deals with community issues, social ills and their universal effects on the human condition. The third collection speaks on Life Experiences; it examines how one deals with interpersonal relationships and evolves as a person through experiences. In the fourth section, Spiritual Consolation, is the revelation of spiritual peace through the transformation from God.

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Customer Reviews

  Wonderful , 09/20/2004
Reviewer: Brenda Rogers
Reviewed by: Brenda Rogers (9/16/2004) I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Pierre's poems and can't wait to read her next collection of poetry. They were both moving and thought provoking. I also enjoyed her first book, Soul of A Poet. Her poems are easy reading and when you reach the end, you wish that there were more. I could relate to many of her poems and gained insight from others. She is my kind of poet.

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