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The Words Unspoken

. Six (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2511-4 ©2005
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 61 pages
Category/Subject: POETRY / General

From friendship and family, to betrayal, loss, and solidarity, The Words Unspoken explores those moments in which silence truly is golden, and translates much more than any spoken words could.

Deeply rooted in the heart, The Words Unspoken delves into the center of a myriad of emotions. It explores the deeper feelings behind pain, frustration, happiness, and of course, love. In it, Six uses personal yet familiar experiences to take the reader through the recollections and feelings that often leave us speechless. We’re not always happy, we’re not always in love, and The Words Unspoken reflects that with a collection of poems that readers of any age can appreciate and enjoy.

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Customer Reviews

  Superb , 10/10/2005
Reviewer: Dexter
This book was a very inspiring book, the poetry was well expressed through the author's writing. I could tell the writer had a lot of things that she needed to share with the world and I'm glad she gave the invitation so the world can view her from the inside, and acknowledge her talent externally via her writing. Thanks Six. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I will be awaiting the sequel and that Story. db.... Keep, keeping writing alive. The talent lies within you and you look at it everyday in the mirror.

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  Excellent! , 01/07/2006
Reviewer: Jackie L.
Six's poetry in The Words Unspoken is amazing. The poems force you to walk in the other person's shoes. Her words beautifully express so much emotion and so many feelings. I enjoyed this book very much, and I recommend it to everyone. It was definetely a great read!

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