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What's Love Got to Do With It? Everything, says Jesus

William Aulenbach (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4781-9 ©2008
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 188 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / Christianity / Theology / Ethics

Jesus had a basic message…love. The early church made Jesus someone he wasn’t. Fr. Bil wants us to return to the original message. It could change the world dramatically!

Over the centuries the institutional church has changed Jesus from a charismatic itinerant preacher into the mythological “Son Of God.” The Rev. Dr. William Aulenbach believes that in the process of making Jesus a god, the church has relegated his primary message about love to a minor role. The author feels that it is Jesus’ idea of loving ourselves, our fellow human beings and Creation that has and continues to revolutionize the world. Systematically Bil builds his case showing the reader how to incorporate agape love into their daily living. This book is provocative, full of humor, interesting stories and will challenge your thinking.

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