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Delores Ramsey-McLaughlin
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Glendale, Arizona

Delores Ramsey McLaughlin is the founder, CEO and Senior Minister of Freedom-N-Christ and Executive Director of “All Out Communication.” She believes where you go to church, ethnicity, age, gender, economic status or education is not as important as living, serving and ministering together in Christ which encourages unity. Delores teaches effective leadership skills, strategies to successfully pursue your dreams and how to bridge gaps between cultural and religious differences. Delores passion lies in communicating on all levels to maintain effective communication. Delores has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and a Master’s in Business Leadership.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Freely Living A Godly Life
Reading the Bible does not necessarily mean one believes, understands, accepts or lives the truth. Christ is the only one that can change your heart, mind and soul through spiritual transformation. read more
by Delores Ramsey-McLaughlin ~ 0-7414-8402-1 ©2013
Price: $12.95

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