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Glenn P. Crone
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Ashland, Virginia

During the author’s first forty years he served in Japan, studied at Cornell and sweated it out in Indonesia. His next forty years were spent helping his wife raise five children by performing and working technical backup in Radio, Television, Legitimate Theatre and Motion Pictures. To be sure there would always be enough; he supplemented his income by dealing in Real Estate. His plan for the future -- the final forty years -- is to continue sitting in for Santa and by so doing, make a difference in the world.

Selected works by this author:
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St. Nick, canonized in 343, and Santa Claus, conceptualized around 1650, ponder the world. They believe that a child thinks the world is wonderful - until something goes wrong. Their immediate reaction is anger – quickly followed by fear. Will it happen again? Adoption of a “ME FIRST” attitude is almost automatic. Then, as the child strives and racks up successes it is surrounded by envy. This leads to strife, the antithesis of peace. To overcome this situation, the pair design a self-perpetuating organization which initially helps the helpless but ultimately helps the helpless help themselves. read more
by Glenn P. Crone ~ 1-4958-0282-5 ©2014
Price: $20.95

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