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Hero Nation

A secret monster traps his victims inside his monster kingdom. A secret hero sets out to spoil his vicious play. Brother versus brother, playwright versus playwright, God versus God— Mankind’s endgame has begun…

Waiting for Tomorrow

When Fred Zuti, an African student on an American college campus begins to understand the complexities of American life, he concludes it best to return to his west African homeland and the challenges facing his country. Observing the living conditions and everyday lives of common people, Fred decides to seek election to the nation’s highest office. However, a forbidden love affair, with the wife of the nation’s current Premier results in dishonor and a prison term. In the aftermath of civil war, Fred achieves his political goal, only to face a perplexing decision upon which his political career will hinge.

Acknowledgement: A John Coltraine Legacy

"Acknowledgement" is a historical approach to the music and life of John Coltrane. It includes interviews from other jazz musicians who played with him.

It has a detailed analysis of each of the Coltrane Tenor solos: "Two Bass Hit," "Ruby My Dear" and "Acknowledgement." The latter has a special feature called The Inverted Fourth Principle. It was used exclusively in Coltrane's "avante-garde" music. Nothing is said of The Inverted Fourth in any other jazz publication that I know. The book is a very exciting and informative read for anyone. Especially the jazz enthusiast.

When East Weds West or Yin Merges with Yang

While grandfather lay on his deathbed, father was seduced by his father’s young concubine, who was eager to assure her family hierarchy position by producing a son. Unfortunately, she gave birth to a daughter instead.

A Compendium of Muskie Angling History: Volume II

Finally, the mysteries of Muskie Angling History are sorted out and facts are once again brought public. Historic photographs abound and “lost” fish stories are to be enjoyed again.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams