Anna's Story and: New Effective for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Richard L. Lyonharte
My credentials for a medical text are meager, to say the least. Nevertheless, with the help of many medical texts, books, the Internet, and my training as a researcher, I feel I managed to gain some insight into the nature of the disease and provide some real help for sufferers. There was something driving me to do this ;why is hard to explain. I worked all day at work ; rested for about an hour; and worked at home until about 1 or 2 A.M. To this day, the source of this energy is unknown. Something in me or beside me provided the inspiration and the drive. I feel certain that there are much better medical texts , but this one has feeling. Whatever you do, you will not regret the time spent reading this ,even if, at times, the reading is not so easy. Two of your fellow human's very beings and Souls are opened to you and their struggle for life. It is not a trivial tale. The book is written in the hope that it will help those who suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, especially the very severe form.
This is a book about a courageous woman and her affliction of Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA) . The disease was particularly severe in its effects and progression. The effects of the medicines used for treatment almost equaled the effects of the disease. Severe RA is now called by some as SADS or Severe Arthritic Disease Syndrome ; most just refer to the disorder as RA which may be a mistake since the effects and the progression of the disease are much much pronounced. In many countries such as Finland and many others, tests have been developed to identify such a form of RA and use the most aggressive treatments early in the initial stages to limit the harmful and eventually fatal results of this form of RA. Anna had ,in addition to RA, Crohn's disease which must may have occurred after the RA by about 8-10 years ,but which appears to have a strong link. The progress in research on this autoimmune disease in the last two years has been both prodigious and phenomenal. Using the Internet as well as conventional texts, many new developments have been identified. These developments include many older but not widely used treatments as well as very new medicines. In addition to the new medicines are new treatment protocols that should be of help. The work identified should help all with RA, and someday this disease as well as many others will only be found in textbooks.