At the hospital, the emergency generators come on, giving power to all the life-sustaining equipment and hallway lights. One of the officers outside Dante’s room checks on him and Denise.
“Is everything okay in here?” he whispered.
“Yes, we’re fine. What’s going on?” asked Denise.
“There has been a power outage. Don’t worry; one of my partners is calling the electrical company.”
Just then, the generators fail and the entire hospital plummets back into darkness. Pop…! Pop…! Pop…! There is gunfire outside the hospital.
“Hey man, we got trouble!” yelled one of the officers in the hallway.
“Ma’am, you and your husband need to get on the floor and away from the windows,” said the first officer.
Then he goes back out into the hallway, while Denise helps Dante out of bed and onto the floor. The officer and his partners shine their flashlights down the hallway but they do not see anyone coming. Then one of them radios headquarters.
“Come in dispatch; this is, Officer Zing. We have a situation at the Peaceville General Hospital and need immediate assistance.”
“Roger that, Officer Zing. What’s the situation?”
“There has been a major power outage in the hospital. The emergency lights just went out and we are completely in the dark. I repeat; we are completely in the dark. And to make matters worse, we heard gunshots out…”
Pop…! Pop…!
“Get down! Get down!” shouted Zing.
The three officers hit the floor. Two bullets pierce the windows of Dante’s room.
“Are you two okay in there?” yelled Zing.
“Yes! But somebody is shooting through the windows!” yelled Denise.
“Dispatch, we need that backup now! Someone is shooting through the window of, Pastor Dante’s room! Detective Timmons made it very clear that his protection is our top priority. Now get us some backup, damn it!”
Zing starts to panic a little, as beads of sweat form on his brow and trickles down his face.
“Roger that, Officer Zing. Secure the area and hold tight. Help is on the way. Attention all units; attention all units: officers requesting immediate assistance at Peaceville General Hospital. All units in the area, report to Peaceville General Hospital, immediately. Shots fired; possible sniper. Proceed with caution.”
“Roger that, dispatch. We are in route and should be there shortly,” responded two officers in the vicinity.
“Look, I’m going in there and make sure they’re okay,” said Zing. “You two stay out here and cover me.”
“We got your back, Zing.”
Zing slowly opens the door, crawls in, and eases his way to Dante and Denise. They are both huddled in a corner on the floor, away from the windows. Officer Zing reassures them that everything is going to be okay. As he did that, Maalik and Makani position themselves in front of the windows, to shield Dante and Denise. Then they call for their own backup. The Trinians in the lobby hear the call and immediately phase through the floors to reach the top floor. They secure the entire top floor, preventing anyone or anything from getting through. Outside, the sniper gets a call from his employer, Grimason.
“Hawkeye, do you have a visual?”
“Negative. There is something in front of the windows blocking my view. I cannot get a positive fix on the target. I took a couple of pot-shots, hoping to hit him.”
“Well, save your ammo until you get a clear shot. I want this operation to go smoothly and by the numbers. We cannot afford any mistakes.”
“Yes sir. I’ll wait for the right moment.”
Hawkeye, aka Lorenzo, hunkers down and waits for that one clear shot to take out Dante. Meanwhile, Timmons and his men are pinned down outside, next to his car. Lorenzo fires off a few more shots, to let them know who is in charge. Pop…! Pop…! Pop…! He hits, Sanchez in the shoulder.
“Come in dispatch, this is Timmons! I have an officer down! I repeat; I have an officer down! I need medical personnel out here, now! We are still pinned down under heavy gunfire, right outside Peaceville General Hospital! Do you copy?”
Timmons then returns gunfire in the direction of the sniper.
“Roger that Detective Timmons. Attention all units: we have an officer down. I repeat; we have an officer down. Proceed with caution to Peaceville General Hospital. The area is not secure. I repeat; the area is not secure.”
Timmons wraps Sanchez’s wound but he is losing a lot of blood. Meanwhile, there is chaos inside the hospital with patients asking questions and doctors trying to figure out what is happening. A few doctors and nurses see Sanchez outside and try to help him. They walk a few feet from the entrance but Lorenzo stops them with carefully placed shots, a few inches in front of their feet. Pop…! Pop…! Pop…!
“Oh my God; get back inside!” yelled one of the doctors as he pushes and shoves the others inside.
Pop…! Pop…! Pop! Lorenzo fires a few more shots to let them know he is serious.
“Hold tight, Sanchez. You’re not dying on me today,” said Timmons, as he fired a couple more shots in the air, hoping to scare the sniper.
However, Lorenzo returns fire. Bullets shatter the car windows and pierce the doors.
“Crap! This guy is serious,” said Timmons, as he ducks for cover and shields Sanchez.
“Is there anything that I can do sir?” asked Jackson.
“No, just hold tight. Backup is on the way. Unfortunately, we are sitting ducks out here until help arrives. Dispatch, where is that backup?” shouted Timmons.
“Backup is in route to your location and should be there shortly. They are stuck in traffic from a four-car pileup on the interstate. It is going to take them some time to get to you. Hold your position until help arrives.”
“That’s just great! What good is backup if you can’t depend on them?”
It seems that drastic measures are in order if they are to survive.