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Cy Vaughn
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Phoenix, Arizona

Dr. Cy Vaughn was the first surgeon in the world to implant an artificial heart as treatment for heart transplant rejection. His use of the unapproved Phoenix Heart in 1985 ignited a global firestorm of ethical controversy that was chronicled in the national and international press. Under intensive FDA investigation, he avowed, “I answer to a higher power than the FDA.” The pioneering Phoenix Heart implementation validated the use of the artificial heart as a bridge to transplantation and helped shaped the future of cardiac replacement.

Dr. Vaughn lives in Phoenix with his wife, Barbara, and is working on his next novel.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Phoenix Heart
There once was a man who had four hearts in three days, and the only one that worked was artificial. read more
by Cy Vaughn ~ 0-7414-3235-8 ©2006
Price: $17.95

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