About the Book --------------------
This book provides general information about multiprotocol routing for Storage Area Networks (SANs) as well as guidance and reference material specific to the Brocade SilkWorm Multiprotocol Router platform and software. It can therefore be considered a reference work on the subject as a whole as well as being useful for customers deploying Brocade products.
The subjects covered for each router protocol and service include theory of operations, usage cases, and advice on designing, implementing, and managing routed SANs. All of the capabilities of the Brocade router are discussed as they stand at the time of this writing, as well as the hardware platforms that the software currently runs on. Planned near-future capabilities are discussed where they are expected to be available at or near the publication date of this book.
The material in each chapter is intended to be useful both for tutorial and reference. However, the four sections into which the book is divided each have a different focus.
The first section focuses on the theory behind each platform and service: why it is needed and how the Brocade implementation works at a high level. These chapters are for readers who want an overview of the routing services and the platforms that they run on.
The second section discusses practical usage cases. It provides high-level SAN designs that show how the router can solve real-world business problems. It gives the business case for why multiprotocol SAN routers are needed, and how the Brocade product addresses real business needs.
The third section gives more specific deployment guidance, discussing design, installation, configuration, troubleshooting, and management. Most of this material is likely to apply to current and future router implementations.
The last section contains reference material. First, it has a basic reference covering things like media types and cabling. Next, it has an advanced chapter that goes into more detail on the routing services. Finally, it has a glossary and index.
Table of Contents --------------------
SECTION ONE..........................1 1: STORAGE NETWORK EVOLUTION..........3 2: ROUTER HARDWARE PLATFORMS..........9 Licensing Model.....................9 SilkWorm AP7420....................10 The SilkWorm 24000 Director........15 Software Layering..................18 Other Multiprotocol Platforms......19 3: FC-FC ROUTING SERVICE ............25 FCR and LSANs......................25 Meta SANs..........................27 EX_Ports, FC-NAT, and IFLs.........28 Exporting Devices with LSANs.......29 Installation and Management .......32 Backbone Fabrics...................39 Redundant Deployments..............42 Phantom Topologies & Proxy Devices.42 Scalability........................45 Fabric Multi-Pathing...............46 Detailed Walkthroughs..............47 FC-FC Routing Service Summary......54 4: ISCSI GATEWAY SERVICE.............55 SCSI over TCP/IP...................55 iSCSI Killer App...................56 Connecting iSCSI to Fibre Channel..58 Stranded Servers...................60 IP SAN Subnet Configuration........61 iSCSI vs. FC SAN Models............62 iSCSI vs. Network Filesystems......70 Internet Storage Name Server.......71 Sessions Limits....................74 iSCSI Naming.......................75 Fibre Channel Identifiers..........79 Zoning and SNS Integration.........80 iSCSI CHAP Authentication..........82 IP Fabric Configuration Server.....84 Redundant Configurations...........85 Detailed Walkthrough...............86 iSCSI Gateway Summary..............88 5: FCIP TUNNELING SERVICE............89 E_Port Over TCP/IP.................89 FCIP Applications..................91 FCR Integration....................92 Multipoint FCIP Networks...........94 Redundant Configurations...........97 Ongoing Management.................99 WWN VE_Port Authentication........100 Integrated vs. 3rd-Party Gateways.100 FCIP vs. SONET/SDH, ATM, and xWDM.101 FCIP vs. iFCP.....................102 Detailed Walkthrough..............103 FCIP Tunneling Summary............107 6: TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW FAQ..........109 Multiprotocol Router Platform FAQ.109 FC-FC Routing Service FAQ.........112 iSCSI Gateway Service FAQ.........116 FCIP Tunneling Service FAQ........122 SECTION TWO........................125 7: FC ROUTER USAGE..................127 Business Drivers..................127 Large Scale SANs..................128 SAN Island Consolidation..........130 Centralized Disaster Recovery.....134 Disk and Tape Consolidation.......135 Large Buildings and CANs..........137 Extended Distance Fabrics.........140 Inter-Island Security.............142 Data and Server Migration.........144 8: ISCSI GATEWAY USAGE..............149 Business Drivers..................149 Low-End Storage Consolidation.....150 Low-End Distance Extension........151 Low-End Disaster Recovery.........153 Low-End Cluster Server............155 9: FCIP TUNNEL USAGE................157 Business Drivers..................157 Disaster Recovery.................157 Site Consolidation................159 CAN/MAN Resource Utilization......161 10: COMBINED SERVICES USAGE.........165 Business Drivers..................165 Combined iSCSI/FCIP Solution......166 Combined FCIP/FCR Solution........167 Combined iSCSI/FCR Solution.......169 Combined iSCSI/FCR/FCIP Solution..171 Future Directions.................173 11: MULTI-VENDOR USAGE..............179 Tape Consolidation................180 Island Consolidation..............180 xWDM and FCR......................182 CAN Resource Sharing..............184 Low Impact Vendor Migration.......185 12: USAGE CASES FAQ.................189 FC-FC Router Usage FAQ............189 iSCSI Gateway Usage FAQ...........191 FCIP Tunnel Usage FAQ.............192 SECTION THREE......................195 13: META SAN DESIGN ................197 Basic Networking Models...........197 Core/Edge Networking Extended.....203 Meta SAN Locality.................211 Redundant Meta SAN Designs........219 IP Network Redundancy.............225 Rightsizing Fabrics and Subnets...236 14: GUIDELINES, TIPS, & CAVEATS.....239 FC-FC Routing Service Tips........239 iSCSI Gateway Service Tips........250 FCIP Tunneling Service Tips.......254 Security Notes....................263 Rollout and Change Control........264 Installation Procedures...........267 Meta SAN Documentation............272 Troubleshooting Tips..............274 15: DEPLOYMENT GUIDE FAQ............287 Design FAQ........................287 Installation FAQ..................289 Troubleshooting FAQ...............290 SECTION FOUR.......................295 APPENDIX A: BASIC REFERENCE ........297 Cables and Media..................297 Ethernet and IP Network Equipment.305 APPENDIX B: ADVANCED REF............313 Routing Protocols.................313 FC-FC Router Details..............322 FC Protocols and Standards........338 IP/Ethernet Protocols & Standards.339 iSCSI Protocols and Standards.....341 FCIP Protocols and Standards......342 GLOSSARY............................345 INDEX...............................365