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Discovery Island: Three Secrets Revealed

Visitations from spirits and talking animals in the small shack of Enapay Morningstar meet Arloine in her dreams.

Take Care of Old Squire

Old Squire has been trapped on old plantation for over one hundred years. Sylvia buys the property and discovers Squire, and family secrets.

Yes A Pig Lives in Our House - Color images included

Yes, we truly have a pot belly pig that lives in the house with us! Her name is Cheyenne and she truly is part of the family!

A Fairy in the Palace

As you share this journey through the Bible you will be captivated by the colorful characters and their unique encoutners, presented to you in a most unusual and extraordinary way.

Forbidden Persuasion

Life is good for Cameron. She is at the apex of her career, has a faithful husband and a full proof successful future or so she thinks.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams