While continuously escape out of the universe, the atmosphere of neutrinos is constantly replenished by all stars. It is the aether scientists have been searching for centuries. The conclusive scientific proof is that besides being the only thing taking up all space of the universe, it has the unique physical properties to explain the existence of all universal phenomena!
Neutrinos are not the inert particles as scientists have believed. Instead, they are very interactive and play much more important roles than expected. First of all, they interact with (absolutely) non-charged particles to form charged particles, such as proton and electron, and then interact with charged particles to produce electric and magnetic forces, the forces to form atoms and molecules. They further selectively interact with electrons to produce light, but with all subatomic particles to produce gravitational force, strong nuclear force, and weak (nuclear) force. Of course, they produce drag force to slow down all moving objects, which becomes very strong for very fast moving objects, such as those particles accelerated to close to light speed. But why planets do not slow down? Please read the book to find out the answer.
In cosmology, very strong telescopic observatory findings support the interpretation that the universal red-shift Doppler Effect in star and galaxy lights is caused by inhomogeneous distribution of atmospheric neutrinos, the transmission medium of light, not due to relative motions or that the universe is uniformly expanding! The so-called inescapable conclusion of the big bang theory and the theory of general relativity is therefore wrong from their fundamental postulations of no-aether!
Strong nuclear force is the atmospheric pressure of the neutrinos. When a universe is dying, it gets weaker and finally it can no longer holds the nuclei of atoms together. Atoms and molecules therefore do not exist outside a universe in the domain of the nature in the absence of a dense energetic atmosphere of neutrinos! A universe or a galaxy therefore must be formed by some kind of matter unknown to us! Introducing dense-matter objects, which are the aggregates of protons and electrons formed under a weak dilute atmosphere of neutrinos. Giving time, which the nature has unlimited supply, some of them can grow to very large sizes. Their structures are similar to those of atomic nuclei without orbital electron and therefore are very dense. A violent collision of two giant dense-matter objects would break themselves up to billions of pieces and produce a cloud of energetic particles. Under constant bombardments of energetic particles, each broken piece of dense-matter object quickly turns into a baby star due to that its surface becomes radioactive, thus, starting nuclear reactions. Simultaneous formation of billions of baby stars marks the formation of a baby galaxy, which is born to100% dense-matter objects!
A star therefore has a growing outer layer and a dense matter object at its center to continuously make matters having atomic structures by nuclear reactions. Of course, the energetic atmospheric neutrinos play a key role in maintaining a constant rate of nuclear reactions in a star by constantly bombarding its dense-matter object. A dense-matter object undergoing nuclear reactions to produce energetic neutrinos should produce antigravity effect. Therefore, in a star there may be a large space separating dense-matter object from its outer layer making its size artificially large and mass density low. This concept is useful for interpreting some black-hole-like phenomena too. The presence of dense stars such as neutron stars and white dwarfs strongly proves the existence of dense-matter objects at the center of stars.
There are neutrino winds. For example, there should be a neutrino wind constantly blowing out of a galaxy since all stars produce neutrinos in their nuclear reactions. When two winds meet, they form spiral winds. Since neutrinos can not penetrate through dense-matter objects, their winds have strong effect on the motions of stars and galaxies. This explains why many galaxies have spiral shapes and rotational motions.
Besides theory of relativity-based modern physics, Newtons universal theory of gravitation and Faradays force field concept are all no-aether theories. Having accepting no-aether theories for centuries, our physical science and its societies have gone far into the wrong directions of science and we have been in a religious pseudo-science era for a century already when real (physical) science has been unacceptable just like the geocentric era.
Read this book to understand real science. Together, we must save our science and bring physics and cosmology back to real science.