From Chapter 9 of Give Me Back My Credit
We walked into the court room and I sat quietly behind my attorneys on the right side of the court room. On the left sat the Defendants attorneys and their entourage sat squarely behind them to my left. We all stood as the judge entered the room. He began by addressing the defendants, asking them to recite what happened and how this case got before him. Fleets attorney stood up and began reciting his version of events nonchalantly. He said something similar to Well, your honor, we did this...and then unfortunately we did this....and unfortunately we did this and unfortunately this happened. I dont think he had even gotten to the part where they sold the non-existent debt to a collection company when the judge heard him utter one too many unfortunately{s}. He abruptly pushed back his chair and threw both hands in the air, straight up into thin air.
Ms. Richardsons stress level had to be off the scales, he proclaimed. Yes, that is exactly what he said. I will never forget his exact words because at that moment I felt a piece, however small, of validation. He knew how I felt! Tears silently streamed down my face. I wasnt making any noise but my cheeks were full of tears, as if someone had turned on a water faucet. I had no control of them. Suddenly, the judges eyes landed on my face and quickly turned to Alan and Larry. Is that the Plaintiff sitting behind you? he asked.
Yes, your honor, one of them responded.
I would like to meet with you and your client in my chambers and then I will meet with you, he said, turning a stern eye towards the defendants table. While I was in chambers, the judge told me he couldnt help but notice how emotional I was. He relayed that he had hopes he could get a number from me that I had in mind to settle. He could take that figure to the Defendants, to see if they would accept it. I remember it only brought on more tears as I told the judge I didnt want to settle. I had no figure in my head. I had made it this far and I didnt understand why I couldnt have my day in court to claim both the justice and case law that could be helpful to so many other victims out there.
The judge told me I could in fact move onto trial. He was not at all forcing me to settle, but rather thought perhaps if we all spoke we could find a way to end this nightmare now and prevent more pain that would be endured in a court room battle. The judge left us in his chambers and went back to the courtroom to talk to the defendants and their attorneys, relaying we were to wait there and he would return shortly. When he returned, it was with the news that they had made an offer to settle. He told me the number and my attorneys thought I needed to consider it quite seriously
Much to the chagrin of my husband as well as both Larry and Alan (and probably the Judge as well), I opted to move toward trial. It was a simple decision for me considering my passion about the situation, but I was betting it wasnt so simple for them to understand. Ok, the Judge said. Lets go out and let them know you want to move toward trial and we will schedule your pre-trial dates for motions and discovery.
As we all walked out of chambers and took a seat, I could clearly see the shock on their corporate faces. I found out later from Alan that they were expecting the judge to come back to them with another offer and thought that would be the end of the matter. They heard the judges tone and thought this would come to an end, or at least-hoped it would.
We were all standing again and the judge left us to set up all the details of the pre-trail process. As we stood, I heard Fleets attorney say, Ok, lets get some dates set up for depositions. His dismay was quite noticeable because his face was a bright red, his teeth were clenched and his tone became very intimidating. Well, were going to need several dates for Mrs. Richardson. Lets block off entire days and, oh yes, we will need her daughters address as we plan to depose her. Also her therapist, Mr. Richardson and also Ms. Richardsons primary care Doctor will have to give depositions as well. He angrily snapped the latches of his briefcase shut. He then looked at me sternly, attempting to wound, as he said, We will be doing a motion to obtain her hard drive as well.
I kept my game face on, as if I their intimidations didnt bother me and I wasnt incensed that they were threatening to use my daughter, my hard-drive and therapist as if they were their weapons. As if I couldnt see they were clearly and purposely taking this hard-line stand to bully and browbeat me. His actions were saying, You want to play hard ball? Well play hard ball.
I sighed. This is how its going to be, I thought, be tough and dont show them they can get to you. I smiled and said, Great!