What happens when WWI baby boomers realize they arrived as 21st Century 'squares'; disdained in the workplace, marketplace, misconstrued overall and relegated as nursing home fodder?
The forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden, the apple, was not native to that region at that time....
The ancient communicator continued, "You Earthlings can look in a mirror to know what we Martians had looked like."
Dodge City law south of the railroad tracks was the six-gun and just about anything....
As I moved cautiously along, a few birds scolded me for disturbing their domain. Attentive as could be in such a situation, abruptly I would be showered with twigs, leaves, bark, and machine gun bullets....
Betty scrunched her shoulders and her eyes twinkled over her cup, as she sipped a hot chocolate with both hands wrapped around the cup. When Betty puckered her lips and blew him a kiss, Rick knew that his previous indiscretion was forgiven.
With two guns slung low, this gun-slick had the look of 'aching to blow out some bodys wick'. Lou had faced many such types fast and poison mean.
The constant saturation bombardment stretched continuously from noon, all night and into the afternoon the next day. Bombing and shelling occurred for months, but this is relentless, no respite long enough to even relieve one's self. Anyone or anything above ground level is vulnerable. The thought occurs that at any instant, you could be shredded into spaghetti-like segments....