This is a book of wonderful events and momentous occasions, which I have chosen to present as short stories. The episodes are riveting and are guaranteed to grip and hold your attention whenever you start to read them…
There is very little written or spoken about the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of hospitals. Perhaps this area is feared because it is often associated with trauma, emotional distress and death. Some may even regard talking or writing about it as morbid as a book on the events inside a funeral home or morgue. There are no television drama series about it nor are there ‘live onstage’ performances about it. It is assumed, I believe, that there is no drama, excitement or ‘mountain-top’ experiences related to it. However, that is exactly why I have taken the time to ‘open the doors of the Intensive Care Unit’ to my audience around the world to share with them a few of my most memorable experiences as an intensive care nurse.
In every situation, whether ‘on a mountain-top’ of joy, sorrow, pain, suffering or even in death, there are lessons to learn, so that future events and circumstances in life do not catch us unprepared mentally, emotionally or otherwise. I have tried to create the atmosphere of the moment in my stories so that you get a very clear mental picture of each event as well as actually feel or sense the mood and emotions experienced in those moments. I got goose bumps as I read and wrote these stories so I know you will not be able to stop reading once you start… I have carefully selected certain episodes based upon the strength of their message and the opportunities presented for everyone in my audience to grasp certain principles of life.
I have written this book in easy-reading form, with a minimum of medical terminology. It is an inspirational and motivational book within the medical or health-care field, to be enjoyed by people of all ages, and from all walks of life.