Here’s a little secret about writing poetry: your thoughts, feelings, and words are just as good, just as valuable, and just as important, as anyone’s. Your style is unique and as valid as the style of Milton, Frost, or Proust. Don’t fret over whether or not readers will understand what you are trying to communicate. You may have a straightforward style that gets your point straight across and that’s OK. You may write things that people struggle to make sense of, and this will only increase your mystique in the world of poetry! The important thing is to write from the heart and to believe in yourself.
I have learned that there is no one path to connecting with your audience. My style often includes asking questions of the reader or listener. Your style will be different. There is no right way. The only advice I will give you is that in my opinion, it’s often more important to delete words than it is to add words. The fewer words you use to communicate what you want to say - the better. For me, art in poetry is achieved by reducing the volume of words to make it easier for the audience to hear what your heart has to say. As long as you write from the heart, you will share what you need to share, and readers will enjoy it from their own unique perspective.
In your search for inspiration, I encourage you to use nature as a resource. Nature is a salve for mind, body, and spirit. It is a well of hope, peace, and exhilaration. Time spent close to Mother Earth (whether it’s gazing out a window, tending a garden, or relaxing at the seashore) can quiet the mind and boost creativity. In the past few years researchers have documented that people are influenced by nature in a very positive way. Just looking out a window at plants can help office workers relax and hospital patients to heal. Connecting with nature’s bounty helps us to use all of our senses, and that in turn enhances our ability to visualize and get in touch with our creative side. If you need a dose of inspiration look up at the clouds or watch a creek flow for a while! It takes just a little effort to connect with nature and the benefits are tremendous for the poet looking for a muse!
I have included a few “Sweonardoisms” along the way from my heart to yours. I hope my words help inspire you to get off the couch, write your book, and participate in life. Enjoy the journey!
Sweonardo’s Poem #1
say what? there’s no x! how confused can we all be?
might be the caffeine make it a double add a depth charge lest Sammy Davis be right
soon your hands shake you become a fast talker like Kramer on that fateful day
so I’m dropping names, so what? had a few shots myself today couldn’t face the deep breathing yoga and meditation lest I journey to the scary world within
no, no – let the jolt kick in read the paper get fired up charge out the door “fight or flight” the new normal
to what end? nobody knows but we’re ready!
and if our energy drops dangerously close to peaceful there’s a Starbucks up ahead oasis of quivering serenity jumpstarts our ego “give me a dry triple skinny cap double pump - extra foam - tall - venti cup extra hot - but not too much foam no - make it a frap - but shake it don’t blend it”
plug in our laptop hide behind the screen trembling as we surf for answers to questions we don’t even know
Sweonardo’s Poem # 3
like buying Oklahoma property scratching the greed itch without a clue
driven by the forest fires of my character defects high winds and high flames crimson holocausts not a whiff of common sense
gold bullion? you bet caught that nasty bug like a virus on steroids and oh yeah – that worked out well
high tech too caught the wave up and all the way down smashed on the rocks battered and broke not a “Yahoo” left in me
wreckage like the Waring blender Linda sang about during yet another bout with madness Senorita from San Martin sent shivers and sweat through me through the night tequila sunrise sure but just barely
aspirin’s what I need today lower the temp keep the blood flowing cool blue Popsicle glacial ice through my veins
Sweonardo’s Poem # 4
we learn most from the young ones
fresh ideas like breathing still easy
unafraid of mud rain and unconditional love
games played for joy
catching the drip off the cone the perfect challenge
leading us to hope by example
in the moment eating sleeping playing laughing
we learn most from the young ones
when our hearts are young too
Sweonardo’s Poem # 6
step back old friend no time for you today
oh – I’d like to renew our relationship but the price is too high for me and the kid on the bike still looking forward to his first prom and playing second base for those damn Yankees
yes, I know you wait patiently day and night all over the world
your commitment to my destruction frightening to behold
and no I don’t bloody appreciate it
Sweonardo says: “The life we live is not necessarily the life we planned. Write about it.”
Sweonardo’s Poem # 7
quite a word that one
fraught with meaning especially here in the US of A
engineers and teachers pretty clear cut working for wages paying those taxes
but what of Moms? artists? are they “occupied”? while making the world a better place
no rest for Americans steadfastly toiling
the world watches amazed at our stamina amused by our confusion over what matters