The church, our nation, and the world, are living under the false illusion that all things will continue, the same. This is not true. God has given me a prophetic word of warning, for the church, our nation, and the world. America is in trouble, and the church in America, is in trouble.
I started writing this in April of 2007, since that time many things have started happening, but the small shaking which started in 2007 will continue.
This year 2008, a great shaking is coming upon America and the church, but this year is just the beginning of sorrows. There will be a greater shaking yet to come, unless we repent. This book has not been written to depress you, but to give you hope, and an understanding of why things are happening as they are. It is a warning from God to prepare you for that which is to come.
I am not a prophet, I am a servant of the Lord, and a Evangelist, whose been serving the Lord for over 34 years. Why the Lord asked me to write this, I do not know? However, this I do know, there is a storm coming, a big one. America, the church, and the world, are under judgment. We have rejected our Creator and the out pouring of his love. God is Love.
The church and our nation are being judged because we have left our place of safety, the covering of God. We have left his Grace, by our continued rebellion.
Everything in creation is governed by laws, either natural laws, or spiritual laws, like it or not, these laws are there, and if broken bring judgment.
We as a world, a church, and a nation, have brought judg-ment upon ourselves. Now we have only ourselves to blame. Isaiah 60-2: For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, paraphrasing. That day is here.
Many are preaching peace, safety, and prosperous days ahead, this simply is not true. The majority of the world now lives in wantonness, and has cast aside any moral codes. Thus, judgment is at the door. God however in his infinite mercy, see’s what lies ahead, and thus he has laid upon certain ones to warn his creation. The things that I have written here were not easy to write. In my relationship with the Lord, I have known him only as a God of Grace, and Mercy. Even though the Bible speaks of a Day of Judgment, and wrath, I assumed like so many others, that it was for a future time. I was wrong.
I have never been one to minister, future events. The ministry the Lord gave me, has always been a ministry of the present. But when he told me to write, I wrote, and from what he has confirmed, to me, through the Spirit, I have only two words to say.
Get Ready. Get ready for the greatest shaking the church, the world, and our nation have ever seen.
We are standing on the brink of eternity. It’s time to choose whose side we’re on. This choice will not be easy. Many will make the choice out of desperation, or fear, but believe me, before it’s over, you will choose. Judgment is on the way, and it won’t be pretty. There will be fear, confusion, and death. All through the scriptures, before judgment, God would send many warnings. This book is one of those warnings. He’s giving us time to prepare. Time is short.
It is not God’s will that any should perish, but that all would come to the knowledge of the truth. He is a merciful God, and a loving God. Thus this and many other warnings are coming forth. God is using Spiritual Prophets, and Secular Prophets to speak to this generation, how many are listening?
Judgment has already started in the church. Church in America has failed God. The church today is full of idolatry, covetousness, and spiritual immorality; we have taken on a worldly spirit. The church is now more concerned about growing numbers, to create more wealth, than the condition of a man’s soul. Good humanism, along with wealth and prosperity, has been the messages of the hour. Our ears have been burned with philosophies and vain deceits. Judgment is going to clean this house. America as a nation was established on Godly principles. We have left those principles, and now secularism is ruling our nation where anything and everything is allowed. We are a nation which has lost our moral values, and worse we have corrupted the rest of the world, with our unrighteousness. America will not escape.
A spirit of Apostasy has taken over America. This spirit was warned of in the scriptures, it was written, that it would come forth in the last days. It has. America was created, by God, to be a light to the world, we have failed. America is going to change, drastically. Will this change be for the better, only God knows?