This book might, sooner or later, have the following extended, full-length title: “Equal Fame, Fortune and Brainpower for Everyone, Forever – because it’s all inevitable, sooner or later – Plus Everyone’s Right to Painless, Physician-Assisted Suicide.”
Within the time period from the present moment to 25 years from now, de-effortizing brain stimulation (that might or might not be intensely pleasurable) will probably dramatically, or at least significantly, increase human brainpower in such ways so that (within the next 50 years or so) work skills will become so easily acquirable and diversifiable that poverty and financial stress will vanish from our world.
And within the next 25 to 50 years, via reproducible out-of-body and/or near-death experiences (OBEs and NDEs) the brain and mind will be unequivocally revealed to be two different things, with the former being clearly mortal and aging-prone and the latter being clearly immortal and ageless.
The mind will be discovered to be an indivisible mind particle (MP). Within the next 50 to 100 years, via pleasurable brain stimulation, the Internet, GPS and global mind particle circulation (GMPC), the MP of each and every past, present and future human being will become interdigitated with the MP of every other human, so that everyone will become equally well acquainted with everyone else.
And therefore everyone will be equally famous. Moreover, everyone will have equal access to the wealth (including goods and services) and knowledge (including work skills) of everyone else. So everyone from the past, present and future will be equally famous, rich, intelligent, otherwise gifted, etc., forever.
The reason why all human mind particles, regardless of earthly birth date (whether past, present or future) stick together for eternity is because of the forces that exist between and among us. These forces include: (1) the strong nuclear force, (2) the weak nuclear force, (3) electromagnetic attraction, (4) gravity and (5) the force of sentimental affection or love which all conscious, subconscious and even unconscious particles are (at least potentially) strongly motivated by. Forces 1 through 4 might actually be various manifestations of force number 5 (that is, love), which is actually a manifestation of pleasure. Hence, pleasure might be the underlying, sole constructive force within the infinitely large universe. Moreover, all particles are potential mind particles. And pleasure might be the singular, grand, unifying force of nature, which can reconcile all valid mathematical descriptions thereof, including possibly (?) superstring theory.
Plus, since we earthlings are doing a favor for the infinitely large universe by living here at all, we should each be acknowledged to have the right to self-determine how much of a favor we’re going to do and for how long we’re going to do it. Also explored herein is a possible interface between science and religion.