Manage Your Manager
Just as your manager manages you, you have to learn how to manage your manager. This means that you have to learn how your manager works and how you can best work with him, so you can share a productive relationship. Start by taking note of your manager's style, because all managers are different. Then, test your manager's limits, but make sure to always do this in a subtle and professional manner. Finally, since he is, after all, your manager, there will be times you will have to conform.
Take Note Of Your Manager's Style
No two managers are the same, so it is important to understand what makes your manager tick. Try to learn what you can to find out what your manager expects and how you can succeed under his leadership. Find out what your manager's professional background is and how your manager reached his position. Take note of your manager's work habits, such as the hours he works. All of this will give you clues to how you will best be able to work with each other so you can both gain the most from your relationship.
Subtly, Test Your Manager's Limits
In an always subtle and professional manner, periodically test your manager's limits by experimentation. This means, see what you can and cannot get away with. Be aware: this does not mean see what you can and cannot do wrong. You should never look to do anything wrong. Just see what your manager's expectations are regarding certain issues. For example, if you like to take your one-hour lunch break at noon, but he wants to meet with you regularly for a half-hour at noon, you will have to adjust.
Conform At Times
As in the last example, there are certain times when you will have to conform to your manager's expectations. After all, he is your manager, and that means he is your boss. There may be situations, however, where you can work out a compromise. Remember that your manager was once a subordinate and most likely still has a manager, plus he is a human being, so you can usually talk things out in times of uncertainty.
Kate joined a company after several years of experience at another job. As soon as she began working with her new manager, she realized they did not think alike. Her new manager had some suggestions for her, and he asked her to conform to his and the company's standards regarding certain issues. She refused, since she had been doing things her own way for a long time. Therefore, the two fought about everything. Her manager won the final battle as Kate was abruptly fired.
Don worked for the same manager as Kate. He also realized his work habits were unlike his manager's. Therefore, he soon figured out the areas where they did not see eye to eye. He tried things out his way to see how his manager reacted to them. Some of the things his manager did not care much about. Others he did, and those were the areas where Don had to conform. Don was successful in managing his manager.
"Learn to adjust yourself to the conditions you have to endure, but make a point of trying to alter or correct conditions so that they are most favorable to you." - William Frederick Book, author.