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At Any Price A Novel of Love, Cocaine, and Genocide

Herbert Highstone (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0172-X ©1999
Price: $18.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 384 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Thrillers

Totally obsessed to save the life of his crack-addicted son, a brilliant genetic engineer starts his own personal crusade …

COCAINE IS A DISEASE AND GERM WARFARE IS THE CURE! Totally obsessed by his overwhelming need to save the life of his crack-addicted son, a brilliant genetic engineer starts his own personal germ warfare crusade to rid the world of cocaine. But he is soon marked for death by corrupt politicians and the murderous drug lords of Colombia, who vow to kill him AT ANY PRICE! This is a story of science gone mad as a vengeful father creates a deadly germ warfare nightmare to destroy the billionaire drug barons and their evil empire of cocaine!

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