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The Healing Properties of Drinks and Tonics

Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0351-X ©2000
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 62 pages
Category/Subject: HEALTH & FITNESS / Nutrition

Dr. Bernard Jensen has been following the advice of “Physician, heal thyself” since before the Great Depression, and he’s compiled an invaluable guide based upon an amazing personal and professional research track that spans over 60 years. In this book he discusses hundreds of foods, both their basic preparation and health benefits. Drinks, tonics, broths, and menu planning are concisely and coherently discussed in the same amount of space that some health books use just for their Preface. Enjoy the fruits of decades of research, based in part on results gleaned from the four health clinics he’s founded, and the over 350,000 patients that have passed through his doors.

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