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The History of the World Thus Farr

Jeffery Wayne Farr (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0459-1 ©2000
Price: $8.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 45 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / History

I was considered an average student. Ever since, having to put up with being required to learn and agree with the origin of the species, I have been learning how to show that people who do not agree with "Darwin" are not dense, thick, or unintelligent. I was made to feel inferior because I refused to learn from people who abused my trust in them. When I trusted them to answer my questions, they would humiliate and denigrate me in a condescending manner. Every year, on the first day of school, I was told that the only "stupid" question was the one unasked. This was a lie.

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