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What is it about Star Trek?

Russell Hany (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0672-1 ©2001
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 63 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Read this information-packed highly enlightening book about the Star Trek phenomenon. Find out what it is about Star Trek that has continued to attract highly devoted audiences, and learn about some influences that television might have on its viewers.

This is an information-packed book detailing why people watch Star Trek (and television in general). Many different areas of Star Trek and general television viewing experiences are discussed. These areas include why people watch when they are in different moods or with different people, what they think they gain from watching, and a determination of what they really do gain from their viewing experiences. Personal and scientific data is evaluated and conclusions are drawn as to “what it is about Star Trek” that makes people watch it. Plus, there are lots of neat scientific terms scattered throughout.

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