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Don't Weight

Kelly Bliss (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0842-2 ©2002
Price: $16.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 296 pages
Category/Subject: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Enjoy entertaining stories and inspirational ideas that show how any body, any size, any age, CAN build a healthier lifestyle. You will find lifelong motivation for self-care.

Will power is exhausting. Don’t PUSH yourself with will power. PULL yourself toward a healthy lifestyle because it feels good!

Find pleasure in healthy choices:

* eat nutritious foods when hungry and enjoy your food more
* stop eating when satisfied
* feel better about your body
* meet your emotional needs without always using food
* find comfortable fun movement you CAN add to your life
* (even if you have health problems or mobility issues).

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