Nuts and Bolts
Book Size:
5.5'' x 8.5''
, 130 pages
RELIGION / Inspirational
Please note: it is ‘Nuts and Bolts,’ and not ‘Pearls of Wisdom.’ These are thoughts and observations I have been recording for most of thirty years. I have chosen to share them now, because experience tells me this is what God wants me to do. Don’t get me wrong; this is not a book about religion, although the subjects of spirituality and the nature of God and sin are prominent. I do hope to stimulate dialogue from which I will continue to develop. Having tried for several recent years to organize my thoughts systematically, I have given up. There is no system because I have changed and the early thoughts frequently do not mesh with the late thoughts. Therefore, the material is presented chronologically, as it occurred to me. A brief italicized preface appears at the beginning of each chapter to lend some insight as to what was happening to me at the time. An index is provided to permit readers to browse where their curiosity leads them. This is not a book that needs to be read from front to back.
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