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The Official Urban and Wilderness Emergency Survival Guide

Robert W. Pelton (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0946-1 ©2002
Price: $24.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 472 pages

This book is the Cadillac of survival manuals -- without question the best in the world! It is highly recommended by all the experts. For example, Sergeant Red Smith, U.S, Marine Corps survival instructor said: "This guy really knows his stuff. Best survival book I've ever seen!" Tom Dodge, Heartland USA wrote: "The perfect survival manual. Every person should keep one in their home as well as one in their vehicle." It is without a doubt the best, most practical, easy-to-use, survival manual on the market today. Profusely illustrated and power-packed with easy-to-understand information on every aspect of basic survival, emergency medicine, edible plants and medicinal plants.

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Customer Reviews

  A Book Everyone Should Have , 03/07/2004
Reviewer: Richard Parorie
Congratulations! You have published the finest survival book ever found on the market. I am a retired marine corps survival instructor and must tell you that this book is a hundred times better than the survival manuals I have used in training sessions while in the Corps. Even an idiot would make it through any survival situation if he or she had this book to use. It's really a good one, a class act. Irecommend that every American famil.y have one copy in their home and to toss another in their car or truck for use in an emergency while traveling. Wow! This can't be beaten!

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  Wow! What a Great Manual , 03/10/2004
Reviewer: Richard Bauman, author and columnist
I have thoroughly read over this book and found in to no doubt be the finest survival manual I have ever read. I am a retired marine survival instructor, and believe me, it is much better than the official military survival manuals -- easier to find anything you need to survive in an emergency. And the fine illustrations are a godsend. I can assure you that even an idiot could survive by using this manual. That's the difference in this book and all the other manuals I have looked over. It is the most practical survival manual I have ever tried to use. I recommend that every family in America get this manual and keep it in a handy place in their home and even put another copy somewhere in their car for emergencies when traveling.

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  Wonderful Contribution , 03/10/2004
Reviewer: Barbara Cram, Survival Instructor
I can't say enough good things about this book. It is the finest survival manual I have ever read!! I heartily recommend it to all of my students.

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  Terrific! , 03/10/2004
Reviewer: Tom Dodge, Heartland USA
If Heartland USA had a "Seal of Approval," this book would surely carry one.

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  Terrific! , 03/10/2004
Reviewer: Bruce Hopkins, Best Prices Storable Foods
A must have book! No thinking American should be without a copy.

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  Wonderful Book , 03/10/2004
Reviewer: Liberty Library
Pelton has outdone himself with this survival manual.

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  Exceptional piece of work , 03/10/2004
Reviewer: Frank Stauffer -- Criminal Politics -- Editor
A wonderful book. The best to be found any where.

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  Great book , 03/10/2004
Reviewer: Bourke Mason Denver, Colorado
A must have survival manual. None like it to be found antywhere in the world. It's the Cadillac of all such manuals

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  It's no doubt the best! , 03/10/2004
Reviewer: Vic Harris, Top U.. survival instructor
No doubt the best survival guide in the world -- the most complete, practical and easy-to-use survival manual published to date. I am thoruoghly impressed.

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  Marvelous , 10/18/2004
Reviewer: Richard Bauman
I have thoroughly read over this book and found in to no doubt be the finest survival manual I have ever read. I am a retired marine survival instructor, and believe me, it is much better than the official military survival manuals -- easier to find anything you need to survive in an emergency. And the fine illustrations are a godsend. I can assure you that even an idiot could survive by using this manual. That's the difference in this book and all the other manuals I have looked over. It is the most practical survival manual I have ever tried to use. I recommend that every family in America get this manual and keep it in a handy place in their home and even put another copy somewhere in their car for emergencies when traveling.

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