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Think Your Way Into the Job You Want

Roland Esterline (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1104-0 ©2002
Price: $15.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 153 pages
Category/Subject: SELF-HELP / General

Thoughts held in mind seek after their kind. Hold thoughts of getting a good job of work or anything else you want in mind and it happens. Follow the thoughts that come to you in the form of ideas..

This book contains ideas for you to use to find the job of work you desire. Your thoughts and desires of today are realized tomorrow. In other words, "Thoughts held in mind seek after their kind." Take advantage of the powerful thought process you have. Think your way into a good job and it will provide you with all the wonderful materials you need to live a happy, carefree life on this earth. First, the thought, the idea and it all can be yours for the asking.

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