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Down Life's Path: With Mom & Dad

Nancy Merical (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1201-2 ©2002
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 105 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Religious

This collection of essays and poems, both heartwarming and heartbreaking, record the search for the author’s missing father.

Eighty-six-year-old Frank Miller, Senior, Alzheimer’s patient clad only in light shirt and pants, wanders away from home on a bitterly cold October night in the year 2000. Four months later, on February 24th, 2001, Frank’s grieving wife dies, alone in her back yard, of a massive heart attack. Two months after his wife’s death, Frank’s body is found only three hundred yards from home.

Essays from “Down Life’s Path” inspirational newspaper column, printed weekly in The Jackson Herald, companioned with photos, poetry, and other published articles, have been compiled by the author as a tribute to her godly parents.

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Customer Reviews

  Edit? Forget it! , 02/01/2004
Reviewer: Fay Thompson
I read this book before publication to edit it, but got so entralled in the reading, I forgot to edit.

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  Poignant , 02/01/2004
Reviewer: Pat Stapleton
Poignant, Made me cry. As Robert Frost said, "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader." I liked Nancy's personification, like "marching onions."

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  Edit? Forget it! , 02/01/2004
Reviewer: Fay Thompson
I read this book before publication to edit it, but got so enthralled in the reading, I forgot to edit!

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  Tears , 02/01/2004
Reviewer: Lynn Hartz
It's beautiful! Magnificent! I had tears streaming down my face just from reading the excerpt.

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  Down Life's Path , 02/02/2004
Reviewer: Elizabeth Cutting
As I read this book I felt as though I were walking with Nancy down that path with her parents, enjoying the good moments without knowledge of the sad all-to-soon future. The pain of not knowing where her father was for all those months was very real and painful to me, especially knowing Nancy as I do. The sadness at the backwardness of a child becoming the parent to her mother is something many of us experience, and this came through as well, and strikes a chord with many readers, I'm sure. This could well be a reminder to us all to make the best possible use of the time we have with our parents, and with any whom we love, because we don't know how long that time will be. Our best memories will be of those loving things we did together.

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  Worth Reading Again and Again , 02/23/2004
Reviewer: Nikki Reed
I read this book shortly after it came out and I truly enjoyed it. Nancy gives the reader an insight into her life through this compilation of articles from her weekly column. This book is filled with stories, poems, and photos that will keep your attention down to the last page.

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  Impressed! , 07/02/2006
Reviewer: Phyllis Wilcox
I began Nancy's book one night and finished it the next morning. I have to say it is the best book I have read in a long, long time. I'm not a professional critic of such things, but I know good writing and it is obvious to me that Nancy knows what she's doing. My own personal criteria that determines whether I enjoy a book is that I have to like the characters, it has to be written by someone who knows how to write well, and hopefully the author will have something to share that is going to enrich my mind. What impressed me about Nancy's book was that she went through something that was so horrible that most of us can not imagine the pain of it, yet presented her story in such a way that it was pleasant to read. She used her experience to teach some wise, hard-learned truths in a very gentle way. Her family came across to the reader as real, loving and strong, exhibiting to others that Christians who live what they believe, truly do live rich lives. I hope she feels very content with the story she is telling. What greater gift could a person hope to contribute to others during her lifetime? I will be passing my copy of her book around among my family members and friends and I am looking forward to reading her others.

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