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John L. Beiswenger (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1348-5 ©2003
Price: $18.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 365 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / General

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This story principally takes place in the facilities of Search International, Inc., a product research firm near Madison, Wisconsin. The truly astonishing hypothesis, developed by Search International, suggests that at the functional center of the nucleus of every cell is an atemporal Particle of zero mass and infinite capacity for memory, a biological singularity.

The author lets the reader be present right alongside the scientists as they uncover some of the very secrets of Creation, and while test subjects are taken back in time to recall ancestral memories, a process key to proving the existence of the human soul. Intrigue enters the plot as competitors, a foreign government, and a special-interest group learn of Search International's discoveries.

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Customer Reviews

  Exciting Christian Sci-Fi novel , 07/30/2012
Reviewer: Kim Colyer
Anna Piersons, MD, and LaShauna Jackson, PhD, are the two women who attend most of the exciting ancestral memory experiments along with Allen Nolte, a wisecracking engineer, who's responsibility it is to check the historical background of the subject's experiences. As a reader, I was present as Joan (Otis) Kenny, a Search International mathematician, travels back in time through her ancestral memories to such times as James Otis' speech to the Massachusetts Assembly before the American Revolution, 249 years before she was born. But nothing in my experience prepared me for the ancestral memory retrieval series of Dr. ben Charash, an Israeli scientist whose ancestor watches the Roman centurions approach his home sometime before 70 AD, and in another session the doctor hears, first hand, of the Miracle at Cana, 2,010 years earlier, from an actual witness. I promise you, if you are a serious Christian and a Sci-Fi enthusiast, you will enjoy LINK.

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