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Golf Talk

Daniel Stewart Acuff, Ph.D. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1727-8 ©2003
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 121 pages
Category/Subject: SPORTS & RECREATION / Golf

GOLF TALK –eliminates a golfer’s negative, swing-sabotaging thoughts and demonstrates how to manage self-talk while driving, in the fairway and around the green.

Every golfer knows the impact of the thoughts that creep into his mind before and during the execution of a golf shot. GOLF TALK – What to Say to Yourself to Win from Tee to Green allows the golfer to become hyper aware of those negative, sabotaging thoughts that directly result in doubt, tension and misguided swings.

The problem is also not knowing the right things to say–those words and phrases that will support better performance. There really are “Winning Words” and “Winning Phrases” that by saying them to yourself, you could be sending the right messages to your muscles, messages that shape your shots in the right directions.

“Winning Golf Talk” - That’s what GOLF TALK brings to your game.

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