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Life, Love and Adventure After the Civil War

Hub Broyles (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1811-8 ©2004
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 136 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Historical

A story of triumph over tragedyCa scarred soldier overcomes loss of his parents and his fiancé, travels west, starts anew, facing the future with courage and determination. Honesty, integrity and hard work bring success, a wife and family.

A war wound results in the amputation of Frank Davis= left arm. With his parents dead, he heads West. At an Army buddy=s ranch outside St. Louis, he learns the cattle business and finds true love with Mary Ann. He is told he can homestead over six hundred acres near Denver but double that if he marries within a year. Mary Ann and Frank marry and set out for Denver. On their property, Mary Ann spies a large gold nugget in the creek. Exploring the back acres, Frank uncovers the entrance to a mine revealing several large veins of ore.

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