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Hold the Light

Patti Carrig (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2003-1 ©2004
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 101 pages
Category/Subject: POETRY / Inspirational & Religious

Hold the Light is the inspiring collection of poetry, offering a unique perspective on love and heartache, spirituality and loss, lost childhoods and lost innocence.

Hold the Light is the inspiring collection of poetry, by Patti Carrig, offering a unique perspective on love and heartache, spirituality and loss, lost childhoods and lost innocence. Poems such as, “The Wall” and “The Southern Watch” provide perspective on life in a military family. “Old Queenie” and “Little Old Man” speak to a career spent fighting the ills of child abuse. “Mississippi Nights” and “Ravenna Road” takes one back to a simpler time. Then the mystic, “Cajun Dreams” reminds us of all the beauty life can offer. Hold the Light is refreshing, engaging, and deeply honest.

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