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The Memoirs of a Rambling Mind

Ralph Wallis, Jr. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2088-0 ©2004
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 201 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / General

What does a father leave his children when he has nothing to leave? My life story in a book? I can hear them now, “All we get is this book!”

Everyone has a story to tell, some extremely interesting and others just interesting, but one thing for sure, no two are exactly alike. My original reason for writing this book was to give my children and future grandchildren some insight into my life as a kid growing up in a small Midwestern town in Illinois. I do hope my children at least find my story to be in the ‘interesting’ category. As to anyone else who may read my book, I’ve tried to make it informative and entertaining. My life is now for all to judge.

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Customer Reviews

  One Man's Life Journey , 09/21/2004
Reviewer: Richard O. Stahl
The Memoirs of a Rambling Mind by Ralph Wallis, Jr. is a fascinating story reflecting the experiences of a young boy growing up in a post-World-War II Midwestern community. This autobiography takes the reader from the author’s earliest remembrances to the present. The journey’s story is told simply and yet with a humble eloquence that is accurate, caring and sensitive as the author relates his relationships with parents and brother, relatives, schoolmates, friends, military personnel, work associates and finally, his own family. For Mr. Wallis and those of his generation, the Vietnam War had to be a defining occurrence in their lives with an everlasting impact on those who were part of that military effort in Southeast Asia. The description of his involvement in that conflict painfully reminds us of an era that still has much to teach us as we now struggle with new challenges in the Mideast. For those readers looking for a nostalgic path down which they can re-live the way it was in that era and what one had to accomplish in order to progress into the new millennium or for those younger readers who have little idea of the everyday life of one growing up at that time and trying to progress with the times, The Memoirs of a Rambling Mind is a fine vehicle for that journey.

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