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Love, Lovers and Love Lost

LaGlynn . (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2246-8 ©2005
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 81 pages
Category/Subject: POETRY / American

“Love, Lovers & Love Lost” the debut book of poetry on love, lovers and relationships from poet / lyricist LaGlynn’

this book is a continual series of sonnets, lyrical short love stories and poems of the heart.

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Customer Reviews

  very romantic and real , 03/01/2005
Reviewer: Tosha
I enjoyed the author's take on life relationships and intimate moments. It felt so real and life-like as I read each and every poem. I will make sure that my Husband read this book. Good Work Mr LaGlynn'

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  entertaining , 04/15/2005
Reviewer: Sholar
Engrossing, Entertaining and Witty yet Romantic. The members of our book club are looking forward to your visit and future books.

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  Adorable , 07/22/2005
Reviewer: Pamela
Charming, sexy, and pleasing to the senses. Finally a true mood setter.

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  PHANTASTIC!!! , 05/23/2008
Reviewer: Krystal
OUTSTANDING! looking forward to reading more of your poems.

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  Heart Felt , 01/12/2009
Reviewer: Cortesha
My Husband Purchased This Book For Me As A Christmas Gift And We've Been Reciting From It Each An Every Night Since Prior To Turning Out The Lights And Going To Bed. Very Heartfelt and Romantic

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  Wonderful , 10/17/2012
Reviewer: Gloria
Wonderful! I am a fan of the spoken word but after reading this book I think I am now a fan of true romantic poetry. Looking forward to seeing the artist in person recite his poetry.

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