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Take My Hand

James H. Dobbins (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2326-X ©2004
Price: $22.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 521 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / Spirituality

You may know what you are, but do you know who you are in God’s eyes? Would you like to find out? Read Take My Hand for the answer.

Do you want to grow closer to God? Many people have no idea how. Working with a spiritual director is great, if you can find one. A directed retreat is excellent, if a good retreat center is nearby, and if you can go often enough to maintain your progress. If you do not have a spiritual director or a readily accessible retreat center, and feel uncomfortable undertaking this journey on your own, then Take My Hand is for you. It is your personal retreat guide, written to help you open your heart to the heart of God.

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Customer Reviews

  Two reviews from , 05/16/2012
Reviewer: James H. Dobbins
By Ilona L. Sorensen Using this book as a "personal retreat companion" is a unique idea and works! This book has a way of being a simplified and motivating study of God and helps to deepen a person's personal relationship with Him. The author teaches with the Scriptures and with stories of people's experiences; allowing the reader to recognize the truths God is revealing to us. It will catechize those who have not been blessed with a better knowledge of their Christianity, encourage and assist those of us who are striving to do God's Will and challenge those who never knew about God's infinite love for them. Comment | Life altering reading December 15, 2005 By M. Cullinan This book is at once thought provoking and calming. It feeds the spirit and brings joy to one's heart. I recommend it to anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of man, or of God. I am giving it to my closest friends for Christmas. If I could afford it, I would give it to everyone I know.

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