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AVAM: Avenging America

Veronica DeTerre (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2329-4 ©2004
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 157 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Action & Adventure

The Vengers live in secret but make their escapades known through hacking computers and television broadcasts. Citizens adore them! Criminals and terrorists fear them! You will love these seven, unique, incredible heroes!

AVAM is about the Vengers, a group of dedicated heroes who abduct criminals and terrorists through the use of their incredible inventions and dispense long overdue justice by means of Flictor. They live in a plush underground compound located beneath the mansion of their leader and his daughter. A series of fast paced events and insightful conversations on Islam and other topics will hold the reader’s interest. A thread of romance runs through the story and the unique personalities of each of the Vengers adds flavor and humor to their escapades. The story begins and ends with an intriguing parallel.

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Customer Reviews

  Relative, informative but enjoyable! , 12/20/2004
Reviewer: Jennifer Holland
I found this book to be fast moving and easy to read. It held my attention and made me think of all that is going on in our country today. Although it contains some science fiction elements, the characters come off as being genuine and people with whom I could identify. The love story was also refreshing as it didn't disolve into the usual sexual encounters one expects in books today. I hope the author will consider writing more episodes. Especially one about Tory's wedding!

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  AVAM - Timely , 01/06/2005
Reviewer: Lloyd Alfred
Pretty good read. Liked the outlook of the Vengers. My kind of folk. Especially liked the information of how the Muslim faith evolved. I think this book would make a great movie or TV series.

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  Wish it were true! , 10/02/2005
Reviewer: Patricia Bless
I think every true American citizen would love to see criminals and terrorists dealt with in the way the Vengers do it. How refreshing to read about men who are loyal, moral and courageous. It was also touching to read about a romance that was more than just sex. I would love to see this book come alive on the screen! Can't wait for her next book to come out.

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  So close to the truth! , 04/30/2009
Reviewer: Mary D.
This story should be read by everyone in America! The way Islam is overtaking the world and America is scary. I wish there were men like the Vengers. We need heroes like them today. Men who are not politically correct and who act for the country and not for their own agenda as most politicians today. And more newsmen like Nolan. I found the writing style simple but effective and the story really held my interest. I couldn't but this book down until I finished it. I can't believe it hasn't become better known. It's so much better than what I am seeing on TV and the most movies today.

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