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Stop Worrying About Cholesterol! Better Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack and Get Healthy

Richard E. Tapert, D.O., C.N.P. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2455-X ©2005
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 107 pages
Category/Subject: MEDICAL / Alternative Medicine

This book challenges the status quo regarding cholesterol’s role in the causation of heart disease. Many serious side effects of statin drugs are elucidated.

Stop Worrying About Cholesterol! challenges the current official opinion that consumption of animal fat and cholesterol are the cause of our epidemic of heart disease and heart attack death. The author exposes the bad science, bias, and conflict of interest that has characterized the demonizing of cholesterol. He exposes the irrationality and the profiteering behind the ongoing focus on the lowering of blood cholesterol levels by diet and dangerous drugs to treat and prevent heart disease. The real causes of heart disease and its rational prevention and treatment by natural means are elucidated.

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Customer Reviews

  Its About Time , 03/13/2005
Reviewer: barbara Mcdermott
Its about time that someone comes out to tell the truth about all the marketing hype going on in the health world. This book is fantastic and is very layman friendly. Don't know anything about the body, don't worry Richard Tapet is a gem about getting the facts to you in a clear concise form. You will learn about what the truth is and how to take better care of yourself. Kudos to you Richard on a most excellent book.

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  What a relief! , 03/14/2005
Reviewer: Alan Trombetta
"Just knowing the truth about cholesterol gives me confidence that I can avoid a heart attack by simple changes in my diet and taking a few appropriate supplements. What a relief! You no longer have to be worry about cholesterol." -Alan Trombetta, Vancouver, WA

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  A Blockbuster! , 03/18/2005
Reviewer: Dennis Bukantis
Dr. Tapert's book should hopefully wake up the sleeping public who have been duped by the medical/pharmaceutical cartel, who rather than prevent this condition from happening in the first place, load their patients up with toxic and harmful drugs..all in the name of lowering numbers which are skewed in the first place. This in an indictment that is long overdue. Very helpful information on natural approaches from a well qualified and experienced physician. Dr. Tapert has hit the mark with this one...get it today and read could save your life.

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  Alternatives to the pharmaceutical propaganda , 03/18/2005
Reviewer: Dr, Donald Mantell,MD
Being a wholistic physician for over 25 years, I really appreciate the job DR. Tapert has done informing the public about cholesterol and heart disease. Easily understood by the lay person, this book is a gem for the practical wisdom backed by hard core science! I have found in my medical practice that one of the biggest challenges I face is educating patients about the true role of cholesterol and cholesterol lowering drugs. Too often, the jibberish espoused by the pharmaceutical companies is not challenged by the media or the scientific community at large. Now, we have an opposing view that not only rings true but is backed by hardcore scientific data. Kudos to Dr. Tapert and a job well done.

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  The Heart of the Matter , 03/20/2005
Reviewer: Louise Carey
A truthful well-written book that really gets to the heart of the matter. It points out how vested interests have twisted statistics to achieve results that favor pre-conceived goals. I appreciated the clarification regarding which are the healthy foods and which are the dangerous ones. The advice on specific nutritional supplements that can help to prevent and treat heart disease is enlightening. The role of thyroid underactivity in causing heart disease, the role of toxic metal burden and its treatment by chelation therapy, the impact of excessive sugar intake on insulin metabolism are all discussed in a concise, easy-to-understand style. This book has helped me to understand that cholesterol is not the dangerous, disease-causing factor that doctors and drug companies say it is. I also appreciate the references to help me find a doctor who is not beholden to the pharmaceutical industry.

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  Dr Tapert exposes the drug industry , 03/22/2005
Reviewer: Fred Smith
After reading the book I knew that finally there is a way around dangerous drugs to treat high cholosterol. I had no idea that the drug industry was falsifying the results of tests . By making a few lifestyle changes Dr.Tapert shows how to live longer and better without the use of life threatening drugs.

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  Finally, the truth. , 03/28/2005
Reviewer: Dar Waggoner
Finally, we are given the whole truth about Cholesterol. Over the years -- the medical, pharmaceutical and food industries have presented "half-truths",to us, about the dangers of Cholesterol. They have presented us with only portions of research findings in an effort to prove their point. Dr. Tapert's analysis of the various research reveals the "whole truth". It will benefit everyone, who wants maximum health, to read this book.

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  A Must Read!!!! , 03/28/2005
Reviewer: L. Terry Chappell, M.D.
From L. Terry Chappell, M.D., President, International College of Integrative Medecine: "Dr. Tapert lays it out for us as clear as a bell. The problem that we face is that most cardiologists are barking up the wrong tree with their cholesterol fixation and their insistence on prescribing statin drugs to treat practically everyone. There are many other important risk factors for heart disease. The good news is that it is easy to identify all the risk factors that you might have. Once identified, there are simple, inexpensive measures you can take to substantially reduce your risk. For the most part, you can avoid costly drugs with their dangerous side effects. This wonderful book explains the real causes of heart attacks and how to prevent them. It could very well save your life or that of a loved one. I am recommending it to all my patients."

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  BAM! , 03/31/2005
Reviewer: Den Ashley
The more books we have that tell the truth about the unscrupulous drug companies and their toxic products, the better off we'll all be. After working as a professional pharmaceutical representative for several years, I realized that their greed and profit were the biggest motivating factors for them to get their drugs into as many people as possible. Dr. Tapert's book tells it like it is to getting and keeping health, effectively and safely. I find it amazing that not only the pharmaceutical and medical industries that are part of a giant rip off of the American public, the health insurance companies are in lock step with them...if a patient in taking any of the statin drugs for hypercholesterolemia, a hefty surcharged is imposed. So I question.. is it the fact of what they call 'high cholesterol' or is it due to their knowledge of the possible toxic effects on major organs and the resultant claims? I'm going to recommend Dr.Tapert's book to all of my insurance clients and for that matter, anybody else I come in contact with. Bravisimo Dr. Tapert! Den Ashley Arapahoe County Colorado

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  Finally A Voice of Truth , 04/11/2005
Reviewer: Carl Fingerhuth
As a layman, it's very discouraging to realize how the pharmaceutical industry, scientists and medical practicianers have joined forces in a conspiracy of deception with my health hanging in the balance! Thank you Dr. Tapert for cutting through the jungle of misinformation and downright bad science to bring us a fresh approach to avoiding heart disease and recovering good health. This book was easy to understand and I am grateful for the suggestions of herbs and nutritional suppliments that will support a healthy body. I recommend this book to anybody who feels ready to take personal responsibility for their health and wellbeing. Thanks Dr. T. C. Fingerhuth

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