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Lost in Yugoslavia: Today's Peacekeeping Soldier

Johnny Coogan (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2523-8 ©2005
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 179 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / War & Military

Kyle Hertzberg, straight out of basic training, is sent on a United Nations Peacekeeping mission in the Former Yugoslavia. He soon faces the ominous possibility of losing his life in a war torn country.

Kyle Hertzberg, straight out of basic training, is sent on a United Nations Peacekeeping mission in the Former Yugoslavia. He has never stepped foot outside his hometown in Southern California, and soon faces the ominous possibility of losing his life in a war torn country.

As a result of the United Nations’ rigid rules of engagement, Kyle must remain a bystander as the local population is treated inhumanely. But after a few months, under the tutelage of his squad leader, Sergeant Padilla, he learns to not only be a soldier, but a man as well.

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Customer Reviews

  Awesome , 04/20/2005
Reviewer: Mandy
I got the chance to read the manuscript for this over the weekend and loved the story.

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  Surprised , 04/25/2005
Reviewer: Jim
A friend gave this to me and I started at page 1, not the preface. I wish I had because I didn't realize the author was the protagonist. Plus, my brother is in Iraq right now, and I don't want to think he is going through the same type of things. Sad.

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  my teacher , 12/02/2005
Reviewer: kasey
my teacehr wrote this book, i went to buy a copy and they ar no longer in print or stock, bummer. how is the book? maybe ill ask for a copy from him.

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