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Allergy and Asthma Control - Naturally

Kent P. Kendall (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2838-5 ©2005
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 91 pages
Category/Subject: MEDICAL / Alternative Medicine

explains how to use an arsenal of natural supplements to control and sometimes cure allergies and asthma without the use of expensive and dangerous drugs.

ALLERGY AND ASTHMA CONTROL – NATURALLY explains how to use an arsenal of natural supplements to control and sometimes cure allergies and asthma without the use of expensive and dangerous drugs. Learn exactly how to take specific vitamins, minerals and herbs that support the SUPER WEAPONS, which can give you victory over these two dreadful medical conditions. Understand the consequences of taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs for long-term relief of symptoms. Also discover the true nature of the FDA as revealed in federal lawsuits that were victories for the American public.

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