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Prairie Crocus in a Man's World

Alan M. Cvancara (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3226-9 ©2006
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 189 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Helen Vacek, entering the 1960s, confronts resistance as the sole female on the biology faculty at fictitious North Dakota University. Her persistence leads to revolution in her department.

PRAIRIE CROCUS IN A MAN’S WORLD traces the beginning career of Helen Vacek, biology professor, at fictitious North Dakota University during 1959 to 1963. Three of five biology colleagues deplore a female on their faculty, two of whom pressure her to leave. Helen, though, confronts each challenge head-on, is part of a revolution in her department, and gains the chairpersonship before acquiring tenure. This novel is a sequel to Prairie Crocus, which covers Helen’s hardship during freshman year in high school. Both novels demonstrate Helen’s personification of a wildflower, the prairie crocus, that persists under adversity and undergoes consistent renewal.

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