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God Speaks Through Poetry: To Inspire, Encourage and Challenge

Neal A. Carl (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3319-2 ©2006
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 154 pages
Category/Subject: POETRY / Inspirational & Religious

Can you imagine? The God who sent his Son to die on the cross for our sins would also take the time to inspire his messages through a humble poet?

God Speaks Through Poetry: To Inspire, Encourage, and Challenge Our Faith Walk is full of great lessons for our growth, words of encouragement to help us finish the race, and many poems to make us think!

God uses many different avenues in which to reach us. Much like the Psalms, God inspired these messages, and all praise and glory belong to Him!

These poems speak about the present, our growth for the future, and the future we will have with our Lord and Savior.

You will be taken in by the messages God has laid out with in these pages!

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Customer Reviews

  Wonderful Inspiration , 07/28/2006
Reviewer: dorothy pierce
In GOD SPEAKS THROUGH POETRY, Neal Carl has written beautiful words that speak of his personal commitment to the life that God lives through Jesus in his own life and in all the lives of His children. The poems in this book are wonderful lessons, hopeful messages of the love and faith we are each promised as we draw closer and closer to God's table. Neal Carl has inspired me to draw closer to God and to my brothers and sisters through these poems. He challenges the reader to examine his or her own actions through the questions he places in the titles, the experiences he relates in scriptual context, and the promptings he encourages us to obey. Thank you so much for this wonderful testimony to God's calling to each of us, to the Church, and to the world!

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