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In The Shadows of Giants: Encounters With Mystics & Masters

Jamie L.P. Livergood (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3441-5 ©2006
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 113 pages
Category/Subject: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth

A naïve youth grows into a middle age man. Along the way, he learns from Masters, Mystics, and Medicine Men while encountering his spirit guides and a supernatural being.

A naïve youth grows into a middle aged man. Along the way, he discovers how his past incarnation as a Yaqui Indian affected his decision to become a warrior, healer and teacher in this life. Learning the art of Meditation from a Zen Master opens magical doors for exploring past lives, encountering a supernatural being, and the terrifying experience of meeting his spirit guides. With Martial Arts as a constant in his life, the author explores the world of natural healing and alternative medicine. All the while, he unknowingly opens himself up for a psychic attack that nearly ends his life. Rescued by a powerful Indian Medicine Man, the two become fast friends. The author tells his remarkable story in a simple straightforward manner with lessons for us all.

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