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The Journal

Cheryl Jean Smith (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3491-1 ©2006
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 154 pages
Category/Subject: JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / General

Riding lessons, horse shows, and unexpected challenges fill the lives of Jessie and her friends as they spend their days at Hope Ranch. Jessie finds hope and answered prayer as she shares her thoughts with God in The Journal.

Join Jessie Jacobson as she and her friends Becca, Courtney, and Mackenzie become regulars at Hope Ranch. Riding lessons, horse shows, and jobs on the ranch fill their days with new opportunities to learn to trust God. Does Jessie realize her dream of becoming the state junior barrel racing champion? Should Becca keep a secret that threatens to endanger lives if left untold? Will Hope Ranch be destroyed by an unexpected disaster? Find the answers to these questions and peek at Jessie’s journal entries that will reveal her heart as she shares her deepest fears, hopes, and prayers with her Lord.

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Customer Reviews

  The Journal , 09/26/2006
Reviewer: Karen R.
Reading Cheryl's second book, The Journal, was a thrill. Jessie is a wonderful, thoughtful character and it's so nice to read a book that one would be happy to share with family and friends. If you love horses and seeing God's plan in peoples lives.....enjoy the book. Without giving it away, I really like the character, Kelly and her finally finding peace with God.

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  great story line about how God works , 10/07/2006
Reviewer: Diann
Cheryl did a great job on this book. As a new author she is not afraid to bring God in her books. How He works in our lives and the life of Jessie and her family and friends. I hope Cheryl can reach a lot of families so they can read it. So buy the book for your young teenagers and those horse lovers young or old. God bless you Cheryl. Diann

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