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Man of Destiny: George Washington

Robert W. Pelton (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3598-5 ©2007
Price: $16.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 288 pages
Category/Subject: HISTORY / United States / Revolutionary Period (1775-1800)

Inducted by Life Magazine in 1998 into its Hall of Heroes, these words most appropriately written by historian Garry Wills: “Washington is the greatest President, greatest leader, greatest politician. He steered a course through revolution and nation-building with immense tact and wisdom. Nobody else could have done it.” This is the man’s uniquely different and most inspiring biography.

George Washington is an American hero whose fame is not wholly accounted for by the record of his life. The man was infinitely greater than anything he did. A military genius, he wrested liberty from tyranny; a statesman, he helped evolve a stable government from political chaos; a patriot, he refused a crown. Wisdom, patience, tolerance, courage, consecration to the righteous cause animated his every act. Ingratitude, injustice and treachery never embittered him, but served to strengthen his character. He grew in dignity and in capacity to the need of his growing responsibility and power. He never became arrogant and ambition and opportunity never tempted him from the narrow path of honor.

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